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Let’s talk sperm health…

Male fertility, sperm quality, lifestyle changes, and preconception health

Written by Melanie Nolan

7 min-read
Let’s talk sperm health…

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Male Fertility Matters, just as equally as females.

After all, they are 50% of the baby. So infertility does not solely rest on the woman’s shoulders, nor does miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage. Sperm quality impacts early pregnancy loss odds significantly.

Sperm are super easily damaged due to be fragile, and there are many factors that are known to interfere with sperm quality including diet, smoking, alcohol drinking, toxins, chemicals, stress, chemicals in aftershave, illness & poor immunity, weight, age, genetics and heat (sperm love the cold).

Sperm quality impacts not only the ability to conceive, but also a healthy, successful pregnancy & baby (i.e not miscarrying). If you imagine that there is a DNA problem in the sperm, then that can absolutely cause an early miscarriage.

Poor quality sperm has been linked with:

🌼Reduced egg fertilisation
🌼Poor embryo development
🌼Increased miscarriage rates
🌼Increased birth defects
🌼Childhood illnesses eg allergies, asthma, autism etc

So wow!!! The burden of falling pregnant and staying pregnant can come right of the woman's shoulders.

So, it takes around 74 days to improve sperm quality.
Here’s how..

- Take our EverNatal daily. It also doubles as a men's preconception!
- Cut the trans fats - found in frozen and fast food. Instead have good fats from fatty fish, nuts & seeds, olive oil, avocados
- Never have your mobile phone in your pants or pockets!
- Keep 'em cool ~ testes LOVE the cold: breathable cotton jocks or boxers, cut down hot baths, saunas
- Trimming down to a BMI between 19-25
- Cut out alcohol and cigarettes. Even 1 alcoholic drink a day decreases sperm quality.
- Research shows that walking 30 minutes, 4 times per week substantially increases sperm quality.
- Sex, sex, sex 😉 (sex every second night has been shown to increase sperm quality).

Tell your men, to start treating their bodies as if they were the one’s pregnant or trying to be pregnant. This will make a world of difference in their overall health, therefore their sperm.