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20 breakfast ideas for busy mums

Quick breakfast tips and meal ideas for busy mothers

Written by Melanie Nolan

7 min-read
20 breakfast ideas for busy mums

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The Breakfast Poll

I did a poll on my instagram this week - asking how many of you eat a nutritious breakfast every day and so many mamas said they don't. Their answers were majority 'lacking time' and 'not sure what to make'. 

But if I could pick one meal, breakfast to me is the most important. It really sets you up for the day and gives us the energy and nutrients we need. if we don't have breakfast, our energy will end up crashing and burning, and we increase cortisol as a response to this unintentional fasting. 

For "Lacking Time" - Here Are My Thoughts

  • Like your showers? Lunchboxes?

  • For example, to maximise my time in the morning before school drop-off, I don’t shower in the mornings (only at night), I make all the lunchboxes the night before (just do their sandwiches in the morning), I don’t do any housework in the morning, I leave it until after school drop-off.

  • Could you lay your little one’s clothes out the night before? Pack their bags the night before with bottles, library bag, etc.?

Is there a possibility for you to wake up 10 minutes earlier so you do have the time to make your breakfast?

And the next question for you I have is - how would you feel if your children grew up to be adults that didn't prioritise their needs like making themselves a decent breakfast, because it wasn't modelled to them? I try to implement things for myself that shows my daughters how important it is to care for ourselves. I dont want them to see a mother who runs herself ragged and puts herself last, because I would hate that for them. 

Onto "I don't know what to make", here's 20 breakfast ideas that I'd love for you to pick a couple to have this week. 

1. Overnight oats with nut butter, nuts, seeds and fruits

2. Yogurt parfait with granola and fresh berries

3. Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach and cheese

4. Avocado toast with 2-3 boiled eggs

5. Natural peanut butter and banana on sourdough sprinkled with chia seeds

6. Protein smoothie with banana, PB, cinnamon, protein powder and almond milk

7. Almond meal pancakes

8. Coconut yogurt with nuts, seeds, blueberries

9. Porridge with nuts, seeds, blueberries and PB

10. Greek yogurt with berries and a sprinkle of cinnamon

11. Breakfast burrito with scrambled eggs, salsa, and avocado

12. Buckwheat pancakes with fruit

13. Protein pancakes with mixed berries

14. Veggie omelette with mushrooms and onions

15. Sourdough with mashed avocado and feta

16. Scrambled eggs cooked in butter on toast

17. Green smoothie: spinach, kale, silverbeet, banana, 2 dates, milk, protein powder)

18. Brown rice cake with hummus, tomato, sprinkle of chia seeds

19. Natural muesli with coconut yogurt/greek yogurt, added nuts, flaxseed meal

20. Yogurt with a scoop of vanilla protein powder and frozen raspberries.