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Experiencing Sore Boobs Before Your Period?
I've had my fair share of sore boobies in that week leading up to my period, and I know so many of you live with this monthly. From ovulation until right before our period, our breasts usually will be at their biggest, and this can mean their sorest! If it's something minor that doesn't bother you much, then this is okay and doesn't need anything done. However, if you are someone that struggles to get a bra on, have anyone touch them, or exercise—you may want to look into treating this.
What Causes Sore Hormonal Breasts?
Higher oestrogen (relative to progesterone) – also known as oestrogen dominance
Progesterone deficiency
Low iodine levels
The Stress Connection to Hormonal Breast Pain
Have a think about this scenario: if stress levels are high in a particular month, this will mean high cortisol. High cortisol usually leads to lower progesterone, which can result in sore breasts, PMS, and even spotting before your period.
This happens to me—when I'm extremely stressed, my hormones take the first hit, and I'll get such sore boobs and horrific PMS. So while my lower progesterone is causing the pain, the real driver behind it is high cortisol.
Finding the Right Treatment
As you might have guessed, I recommend working with a practitioner to properly investigate your hormone balance instead of guessing. You might take iodine, but what if it's actually oestrogen excess causing the pain? Or vice versa? Proper guidance is essential to finding relief.
One of my favourite herbs for oestrogen excess is chaste tree (Vitex)—it’s a game-changer for hormone balance!