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Vitashine™ - Plant-Based Vitamin D3

Vitashine™ the source of Vitamin D3 in Sol Drops offers a unique, oily extract derived from Lichen, which is naturally abundant in Vitamin D3

Written by Melanie Nolan

7 min-read
Vitashine™ - Plant-Based Vitamin D3

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Vitashine™ the source of Vitamin D3 in Sol Drops offers a unique, oily extract derived from Lichen, which is naturally abundant in Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) and beneficial fatty acids.

Exploring the Unique World of Lichens

Lichens are unique small plant species formed through a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an algae. This collaboration enables them to thrive in extreme environments and accumulate high levels of nutrients, including Cholecalciferol. After thorough research into sustainable and natural lichen sources, we chose Vitashine.

Vitashine™: The Only Vegan and Vegetarian Certified Vitamin D3

Before the introduction of Vitashine™, the only Vegan and Vegetarian option for Vitamin D was the less effective Ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2). Vitashine™ is proudly registered with the Vegan Society and the Vegetarian Society.

Plant-Based Vitamin D3

Vitashine™ sources its Vitamin D3 from lichens, avoiding the use of sheep's wool altogether. It provides a plant-based alternative to traditional sources of Vitamin D3.

Understanding Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3, a fat-soluble vitamin discovered over a century ago, is vital for health and linked to numerous benefits. It can be absorbed through diet or produced in the skin upon sufficient sun exposure.

Who Needs Vitamin D3?

Vitamin D is essential for everyone, regardless of age, gender, or lifestyle. Studies indicate that over 50% of the general population is deficient in Vitamin D, with certain demographic groups experiencing even higher deficiency rates.

Vitamin D Levels and Sunlight Exposure

For the skin to produce Vitamin D3, exposure to sunlight is necessary. People with darker skin or those living in areas with low sunlight intensity often lack sufficient sun exposure, making supplementation necessary to maintain adequate vitamin D levels.

Vitashine™: Committed to Responsible and Sustainable Sourcing

Vitashine™ prioritises responsible and sustainable practices in its research. Given that lichens grow very slowly, scalability and feasibility were key considerations. The lichen used in Vitashine™ is already utilised for various purposes, including food, beverages, and decorations. This allows Vitashine™ to secure and manage a sustainable source, ensuring both quality and purity.

Sustainability Highlights:

  • No pesticides.

  • Organic growing conditions.

  • Sustainable growing sites.